First Bank
Here are First Bank sort codes for all branches by states, towns, and territories. Find out what the bank's sort codes for Lagos, Abuja, and other places.
About nine banks in Nigeria led by Zenith Bank, Access Bank, Zenith Bank, GTbank, Ecobank and United Bank for Africa (UBA) have recorded an N4.15trn profit
First Bank Holding Company has reported N2.2 trillion gross earnings in the first nine months of 2024, ending September 2024, from N962.40 billion in 2023.
Ecobank Nigeria has decided to increase international transfer fees starting November 1, including a SWIFT charge and revised fees for intra-African transactions.
To bolster its main subsidiary, FBN Holdings Plc has launched a significant capital increase through a rights issue, offering roughly 6 billion additional shares.
FBN Holdings Plc, the parent company of First Bank, has proposed a new name at its upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM), which shareholders are expected to approve.
FirstBank has provided clarification on the upcoming system migration, clarifying that the transition will solely affect vendor platforms and not banking services.
First Bank of Nigeria has announced it will affect certain activities and transactions including invoice submissions on the current Electronic Business Suite.
A FITC report on fraud in banks has said that about 105 bank employees were involved in fraudulent activities in 2024, leading to the dismissal of 84 staffers.
First Bank
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