100+ top things to talk about with your girlfriend everyday to keep the spark alive
Keeping the conversation active with your significant other is crucial for a smooth and prosperous relationship. So, what should I talk about with my lady? If you have asked yourself this question, we have compiled a list of things to discuss with your girlfriend daily.

Source: UGC
- Interesting things to talk about with your girlfriend
- 1. Things you have in common
- 2. Things you like about her
- 3. Vacation destinations
- 4. Sex
- 5. Future plans
- 6. Hobbies and interests
- 7. Definition of romance and love languages
- 8. Role models and sources of inspiration
- 9. Dislikes and pet peeves
- 10. Sources of happiness
- 11. Deepest fears
- 12. Religion and spirituality
- 13. Embarrassing moments
- 14. Fun things you have done together
- 15. Goals outside your relationship
- 16. Childhood memories
- 17. Favourite TV shows and movies
- 18. Your families
- 19. Favourite food
- 20. Finances
- 21. Expectations in the relationship
- 22. Favourite books
- 23. Favourite music
- 24. Gratitude
- 25. Interesting things during the day
- 26. Friendship
- 27. Conflict resolution
- 28. Health and health-related issues
- 29. Periods/ menstruation and contraceptives
- 30. Latest gossip
- 31. Views on life
- 32. Deepest secrets
- 33. Deepest regrets
- 34. Unexplored mutual interests
- 35. Ask for advice/ help
- 36. Set couple goals
- 37. Your feelings
- 38. Struggles in life
- 39. Gender roles (if any)
- 40. Weekend plans
- 41. Newest projects
- 42. Animals and animal care
- 43. Moving in together/ marriage
- 44. Things she values most
- 45. Unwritten rules
- 46. Idea of success
- 47. Common/ general knowledge
- 48. Fashion
- 49. Bad habits
- 50. Gifts
- 51. What you are learning
- 52. Standards and boundaries
- 53. Current emotions
- 54. Pop culture
- 55. Dating history
- 56. Good habits
- 57. Her annoying habits
- 58. Browser histories
- 59. Bucket lists
- 60. Human evolution
- 61. Artificial intelligence (AI)
- 62. Childhood trauma
- 63. The meaning of life
- 64. Improving your relationship
- 65. Aliens
- 66. Dark humour
- 67. Funniest jokes
- 68. Nicknames for each other
- 69. Politics
- 70. Warning labels
- 71. Simulation theory
- 72. Nightmares
- 73. Personal philosophies
- 74. Ancient civilisations
- 75. Secret societies
- 76. Roleplay ideas
- 77. Family traditions
- 78. Life lessons learned
- 79. Work-life balance
- 80. Dream home
- 81. Personal achievements
- 82. Favourite quotes
- 83. Social issues
- 84. Unforgettable moments together
- 85. How you met
- 86. Favourite weekend activities
- 87. What makes you feel supported?
- 88. Life goals
- 89. Favorite sports or activities
- 90. What makes you feel confident?
- 91. Dream destinations
- 92. What are you passionate about?
- 93. Favourite ways to spend time together
- 94. Favourite seasons
- 95. What would you change about the world?
- 96. Most memorable birthday
- 97. Favorite board games or video games
- 98. What you would do differently in life
- 99. Favourite ways to relax
- 100. What makes you feel loved?
- 101. Life in the future
- 102. Important life events
- 103. Favourite sex position
- What are some questions that can be used as conversation starters?
- What should you not talk about with your girlfriend?
- How do you start a romantic conversation with your girlfriend?
- How do you keep a conversation going with your girlfriend?
- What can you talk about with your girlfriend in chat?
- What does it mean when you run out of things to talk about with your girlfriend?
- What to talk about with your girlfriend?
- How to romantic talk with gf?
If you are wondering about things to talk about with your girlfriend, this article will help you discover many exciting topics to discuss with your loved one.
Interesting things to talk about with your girlfriend
Open and honest communication is the foundation of a strong and lasting relationship. There are numerous things to talk about with your girlfriend on the phone or in person.
While everyone desires to keep the conversation going with their loved ones, running out of things to talk about is not unusual. If you have experienced this and are looking for new and exciting 100+ things to talk about with your girlfriend, read on for amazing ideas.
1. Things you have in common
People who meet and fall in love have common likes and dislikes. Talking about what you have in common is one of the good topics to discuss with your girlfriend. This conversation will bring you closer and help you understand each other better. You can ask her these questions.
- What do you feel we have in common?
- What makes you and I similar?
2. Things you like about her
Every woman loves to hear positive things about herself and what makes her man love her. Talking about her good qualities is not only romantic but is also a great conversation starter.
There is a high chance that she will also want to talk about your good qualities. This is one of the most important conversations you can have with your girlfriend because it will make her feel appreciated. Examples of what to say are listed below.
- I like your warm hugs.
- I enjoy talking to you.
- I love your smile.
3. Vacation destinations
Vacation destinations are some of the fun things to talk about with a girl. Everyone has a particular place they would wish to visit in their lifetime.
Discussing your dream holiday destinations will help you learn more about each other. It will also give you ideas about what to surprise her with next. You can say the following words.
- Bali is my dream destination. What is yours?
- Where would you like to travel as a couple?
4. Sex
Physical intimacy is one of the topics to talk about with your girlfriend, especially in the modern era. The conversation does not have to be obscene or overly kinky.
You can have healthy sex-related conversations. You will discover a lot about physical and emotional intimacy when you talk about it. Here are good starting points.
- What do you like in bed, or what excites you?
- What are your thoughts on abstinence until marriage?
5. Future plans
Conversing about your future together is a great topic, especially if you are in a serious relationship. Beware that if you talk about this too soon or before you know each other well enough, she may freak out. Below are pointers for starting this conversation.
- Where would you want to live in the future?
- I would like two kids. What about you?
- How do you want to raise our future kids?
6. Hobbies and interests
If you are wondering what to discuss with your girlfriend when you see her next, hobbies and interests are great topics, especially if you are a new couple.
Knowing her interests or how she spends her free time will help you identify ways to support her. You are likely to discover surprising things about her.
- I enjoy reading in my free time. What about you?
- Are picnics your kind of thing?

Source: UGC
7. Definition of romance and love languages
Did you know that romance may mean different things to different people? Every human being has love languages they consider romantic.
One person may prefer a night out together, while another would rather sit at home watching a movie. Love languages are among the topics to talk about with a girl because the subject will help you understand her better and strengthen your bond. Here are pointers for this conversation.
- We should take an online love languages test.
- What does romance mean to you?
8. Role models and sources of inspiration
Talking about who she looks up to and what inspires her is one of the deep things to talk about with your girlfriend. It will help you understand her goals, purpose, and intentions in life.
It will also help you understand why she does certain things. You can start the conversation using the words below.
- Michael Jackson's music inspires me. I would like to you who inspires you in life.
- Who are your role models?
9. Dislikes and pet peeves
In any relationship, people want to bring out their best sides. As the relationship matures, you soon discover that she has dislikes, irks, and pet peeves.
One of the important topics to talk about with a girl is her pet peeves. While it may be tempting to talk about positive things, discussing what puts her off is crucial. It will help you learn how to treat and relate with her better.
- What are some of the things you dislike about people?
- Tell me what annoys you most about me.
10. Sources of happiness
We live in an era where happiness, self-care, and self-love are priorities. If your girlfriend is not happy, your relationship will be unhappy.
Therefore, it is crucial to know what makes her happy, aside from your relationship. Support what makes her feel joyous for a happy and healthy relationship. Ask these questions to kickstart the conversation.
- Are you happy?
- What makes you happy?
11. Deepest fears
Did you know that describing your fears helps you overcome them? Every human being has things they are afraid of.
Some fears are small, while others are quite big or profound. Discussing these issues with her will help you learn more about her and deepen your bond.
- What is your deepest fear in life?
- I am afraid of creepy crawlies. What about you?
12. Religion and spirituality
Discussing issues related to religion or spirituality is crucial. Beware that this is a sensitive and deep topic because individual beliefs may vary.
Approach this topic cautiously, as you do not want to belittle or discredit her thoughts and opinions. Your beliefs are among the most important things to tell your girlfriend because they affect how you relate. You can ask her the questions below.
- Do you believe in God?
- Are you a spiritual or religious person?
13. Embarrassing moments
Are you looking for fun conversation starters with a girl? Tell her about embarrassing moments you have had in life.
Like any other human being, she has lived through some embarrassing moments too. While this is a fun topic, it may feel a little awkward at first. Ensure she feels comfortable enough to talk about these moments, then ask these questions.
- What was your most embarrassing moment in life?
- What is something you did recently that made you feel embarrassed?

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14. Fun things you have done together
If you are dating her, chances are that you have done fun things together. There are numerous crazy things to talk about with your girlfriend. These can be as simple as going for a picnic or as big as your recent trip together.
Reminiscing about your happy moments together will make both of you feel good and will help you plan for other fun activities in the future. Below are examples of how to start the talk.
- Our picnic last weekend was awesome. Wasn't it?
- Remember that bike ride we went on together?
15. Goals outside your relationship
Before you started dating, she was a woman going about her daily life. She has her dreams and goals in life, and it is essential that you know them and share yours with her too. You can ask the questions below.
- What is your biggest dream in life?
- What are your career and health goals?
16. Childhood memories
Everyone's childhood shaped the person they are today. Childhood is a critical period in the life of a human being because it is when we learn many things about ourselves and the world.
The way you were raised could be different from hers. If you are looking for random things to talk about with your girlfriend at night, discuss your best and worst childhood memories.
- What is your best childhood memory?
- I enjoyed visiting my late grandparents as a child. What do you miss the most?
17. Favourite TV shows and movies
We all have different movie and television show preferences. Talking about your favourite shows and movies will help you strike a balance with each other whenever you want to go to the cinema or watch something at home. Ask her these questions.
- What is your favourite movie genre?
- We should go to the cinema to watch Snake Eyes. What do you think about that?
18. Your families
If you are in a long-term relationship, your significant other may be interested in learning about your family. Talk to her about your family so she can learn more about your background.
She needs to feel connected to you and your family. If the relationship is new, do not give too many details about your relatives.
- Who is your favourite sibling?
- What is your family like?
19. Favourite food
Food plays an important social function in the lives of all people. Each person has their favourite meals, drinks, snacks, and fruits. Below are pointers for starting this conversation.
- What should I carry on our next picnic?
- Name three of your favourite snacks.
20. Finances
Money is a sensitive conversation point but an important one among couples in long-term relationships. You may encounter incidents that require you to share expenses or contribute towards something.
- How should we handle the bills when we move in together?
- Who should take the check on date nights?
21. Expectations in the relationship
What do you expect of her? Tell her. You should also give her room to express her expectations in the relationship. This will help you know how serious the two of you are and how best to relate with each other.
- What are your expectations of me as a boyfriend?
- How do you expect me to treat you in this relationship?

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22. Favourite books
Reading books is one of the ways to prevent cognitive decline, reduce stress, and learn more about the world. Use these words to kickstart the conversation.
- Which is your favourite book and why?
- We should reach Michelle Obama's Becoming, right?
23. Favourite music
Are you looking for things to talk about with your girlfriend when bored? Talk about music. If you wish to go the extra mile, you can create a custom playlist for her after the conversation ends. She will appreciate that.
- Who is your favourite music artist?
- Which is your all-time favourite song?
24. Gratitude
Everyone has things they are grateful for, some of which they do not discuss openly. Asking what she is grateful for will show you more about the people and things she values most in life, and below are pointers for this conversation.
- What are you most grateful for in life?
- I thank the heavens for making me meet you. What do you feel grateful for today?
25. Interesting things during the day
Sometimes, we fail to realise that we find the most joy in our daily activities. Talking about her day will make her feel valued and seen. Ensure you create a safe space for her to talk about her highs and lows with these simple questions.
- How is work going?
- Hey, how is your day going?
26. Friendship
Human beings are social beings. We all have friends we hang out with when not with our partners. You can talk about friends and friendships.
This way, you will know who is important to her and why. Ensure you do not discuss specific people too much, as that may be a recipe for disaster.
- Who is your best friend?
- What are your thoughts on friendship?
27. Conflict resolution
Even if you have the best relationship ever, you will not avoid fights with your girlfriend. You can create a healthier relationship by talking about conflicts and how to manage them together.
- We fought last week, and I feel like we should have handled things better. How best should we solve issues in the future?
- What are your conflict resolution styles?

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28. Health and health-related issues
Today's generation is more conscious about health and the importance of developing healthy habits and practices. Ask about her health and tell her about your health status. This will let her know how deeply you care about her well-being. Do not forget to discuss mental health.
- Do you have any lifestyle diseases or genetic conditions in your family?
- Have you worked out this week?
- Let's enrol at the gym together.
29. Periods/ menstruation and contraceptives
For many years, menstruation and contraceptives were not discussed by men. Things are now changing, and the two should be discussed in any relationship.
Discussing periods and contraceptives will help you learn more about the female body and assist you in offering her the necessary support whenever she needs it. Here are pointers for starting this conversation.
- What do you need me to do to ease the pain during your period?
- Are you on any contraceptives?
30. Latest gossip
A good couple talks about anything and everything. You can have fun discussing the hottest celebrity topics or news. Discussing this will make her feel happy that you know what she likes.
- Did you see your favourite celeb got a nose job?
- A little says that celebrity TYZ is in town. Have you heard?
31. Views on life
One's outlook on life is based on different factors, including how one is raised and what one experiences in life. Talking about her views on life, in general, will help you learn more about her.
It will also help you know what you agree on and the different perspectives you may have. You can ask her the questions below.
- What are your thoughts on the current global economic recession?
- What do you think is the impact of social conditioning on our lives?
32. Deepest secrets
Everyone has secrets they have not shared with anyone else. You can talk about her deepest secrets and also shares yours with her. For this to happen, you must know each other well enough.
- What is your deepest secret?
- I have something to tell you. Promise you will never share with anyone else.
33. Deepest regrets
Everyone make mistakes in life, and some mistakes you make become your deepest regrets. You can converse about her deepest regrets, ensuring you make her feel comfortable enough to talk about this.
- Do you have any regrets in life?
- What is one thing you wish you never did in life?
34. Unexplored mutual interests
A relationship and friendship based on mutual interests offers the chance to shape and sharpen each other's interests. Talking about interests you are yet to explore will help you build each other. You can work on a project together, and this will bring you closer.
- I like gardening, but I have never done it. Care to join me on this journey?
- You have always said you wish to paint. We should take a painting class together.
35. Ask for advice/ help
Seeking help or advice from the right person and in the right way will help you develop smarter solutions to challenges, deepen your thinking, and sharpen your decision-making skills. Asking your girlfriend for advice or assistance shows her you value her opinion and trust her.
- What do you think I should do about this situation?
- Should I focus on this or let it go?
36. Set couple goals
Setting goals with your girlfriend is a fantastic way of ensuring you are on the same page about various issues. It is also a way to plan the future. Goals for couples are healthy for a relationship because they allow both partners to communicate their desires.
- Let's talk about our gardening project and plan the deets.
- We said we would repaint the house in December. What colours do you think best reflect our relationship?

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37. Your feelings
Most men were taught that being manly is not expressing their feelings. This fallacious notion has pushed many men to depression.
You can have a conversation with your girlfriend about your feelings and not appear weak in her eyes. Before you express your raw feelings, you must build some level of trust and intimacy.
- I feel a craving for cookie dough ice cream. We should go out and get some.
- I feel like my career is not progressing. What should I do to grow?
38. Struggles in life
Experiencing low moments in life is a normal part of life. We often shy away from expressing our struggles because we fear being judged harshly by others.
However, people in committed relationships should talk about their struggles to get support to overcome them. Sharing this requires both partners to be vulnerable with each other.
- I feel like I am struggling with my mental health and would like some support.
- I am strapped for cash this month. Let's talk about how to cope until I get back on my feet.
39. Gender roles (if any)
We live in a world that is changing every day. In the past, the kitchen was seen as a woman's place. That notion is slowly changing, and so are other gender roles. Discuss your gender expectations of each other and ensure you are on the same page about them.
- Who should cook once we move in together?
- How should we distribute house chores?
40. Weekend plans
Being in a relationship means spending some, if not most, of your weekends together. You may want to go all out on some weekends and lay low on others. Discussing the plans beforehand is necessary to ensure you do what feels suitable to both of you.
- I think we should stay indoors this weekend. Your thoughts?
- I saw a new eatery on the eleventh street. We should try it over the weekend.
41. Newest projects
What project have you been doing the last couple of days, or do you intend to do? Talking about your new or recently completed projects is crucial. Offer to support her in your latest projects, and hopefully, she will support yours too.
- I see your project is taking shape. What can I do to support you?
- I love seeing you trying new things. This project looks amazing. I am so happy for you.
42. Animals and animal care
If you are an animal lover or have a pet, you can always talk about them. You can also talk about caring for your fur family.
- Do you want to keep a cat or a dog once we move in together?
- The dog needs some grooming and vet care. Where should we take him?
43. Moving in together/ marriage
If you are in a serious relationship, you may want to discuss moving in together or getting married. Do not have this conversation if your relationship is new or casual.
- How soon do you think we should move in together?
- We should look for a house together. It is about time, so let's talk about that.
44. Things she values most
Among the fun questions to ask your girlfriend are the things she values most in life. You will be surprised to learn she values things or people you had not thought about.
- What do you value the most in life?
- What is your most valuable asset?
45. Unwritten rules
Did you know not speaking about the unwritten rules is one of the biggest causes of conflicts in relationships? Unwritten rules refer to the behavioural constraints imposed in societies that are not voiced or written down.
Knowing her unwritten rules will help in reducing conflicts and will help you understand what is expected of you in the relationship.
- What do you think a man should do without being told?
- What are examples of common sense to you?
46. Idea of success
Everyone defines success on their own terms when they take time for self-reflection. To some, success means having a lot of money, while others define it as being happy in life.
- What is success in life?
- Do you feel that we are successful as a couple?

Source: UGC
47. Common/ general knowledge
General knowledge helps us to grow on personal and academic levels. It also helps us analyse situations better than we would without proper knowledge.
You can hold a trivia where you ask each other general knowledge questions to test how much you know about different things. Below are examples.
- What is a group of crows called?
- Which is the only body part that is fully grown from birth?
48. Fashion
If she likes fashion, you can discuss her style and trending styles. Talking about clothes and decor is a fantastic way of learning about each other.
- I like your new top. Should I help you style it?
- I like your sense of fashion. Mind styling me too?
49. Bad habits
We all have at least one bad habit we wish to stop. It could be taking too many soft drinks or procrastinating.
- My worst habit is biting my nails. What about yours?
50. Gifts
Have you ever received a gift you did not like? This happens quite often, but you can avoid it in your relationship by talking about gifts and gifting. The best part about this conversation is it will save you the headache of choosing her next gift.
- What is your ideal gift?
- What would you wish to receive on your birthday?
51. What you are learning
You learn new things every day. One of the mature topics to talk about with your girlfriend is what you are learning in life in general or about manhood.
- I am learning that being a man does not mean being always strong. What are your thoughts on this topic?
52. Standards and boundaries
Standards and boundaries dictate what we are willing to accept from other people within our inner circle. They also help us define what we are willing to accept within ourselves. You can ask these questions to kickstart the topic.
- Have you spent time considering your boundaries before right now?
- Do you need me to help solve the problem you are talking about right now, or do you just want me to listen?
53. Current emotions
Talking about your current emotions and listening to hers is a great topic of conversation. As you do this, do not complain about your life too much. Remember, she is your girl, not your therapist.
- What are you feeling right now, and what can I do to make you feel better?
54. Pop culture
Pop culture is one of the random things to talk about with your girlfriend. There is always something trending in pop culture, and talking about it will make you laugh. You can start the conversation with these questions.
- How does pop culture influence relationships?
- Who is your favourite couple in pop culture?
- Who was your first celebrity crush?
55. Dating history
One of the deep things to talk about with your girlfriend is your dating history. Beware, this topic may incite jealousy.
Mention key aspects of your relationship, e.g. length, important events, and why things ended without oversharing your history.
- Why do you think your last relationship ended?
- How long was your last relationship?
56. Good habits
It is always fun to circle around to the good habits you have in life. This will help the two of you reinforce them and help you understand each other better.
- Which is your best habit?
- I love how dedicated you are to health and fitness. Is working out your favourite habit?

Source: UGC
57. Her annoying habits
Your girl has something she finds annoying about you, and vice versa. Tell her what you find annoying in her, and be ready for the blowback because she will be sure to do the same to you.
- I feel like leaving the lights on is the most annoying bit about you. Can we talk about that?
58. Browser histories
Did you know browser histories offer a glimpse into the pure darkness of our souls? Let her know the weird stuff you Google when nobody else is around and vice versa. This requires trust! Start the conversation with the statement below.
- Let me see your browser history. I bet you have embarrassing things on there!
59. Bucket lists
What does she want to scratch off the old bucket list before leaving the Earth? Sharing these items is great for getting to know each other better.
- What have you checked off your bucket list this year?
- Can I see your bucket list?
60. Human evolution
If you are looking for an intense topic, talk about human evolution. Different people have different beliefs about the origin of humankind. Talk about them with your significant other. Start with the question below.
- Do you believe we came from monkeys?
61. Artificial intelligence (AI)
Did you know artificial intelligence can predict whether your relationship will last based on how you speak to your significant other? AI is among the biggest technological developments of recent times. Discuss your thoughts on it with this question.
- What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence?
62. Childhood trauma
Sharing our childhood trauma offers profound insight into who we have become in adulthood. Talking about traumatic stories from our childhood is one of the most vulnerable topics to talk about.
- What incident traumatised you in your childhood?
- How best can adults resolve their childhood traumas?
63. The meaning of life
Some people believe the meaning of life is to make other people's lives more meaningful. Others have different opinions. Talk about this to know more about your partner.
- What is the meaning of life?
- What are your thoughts on life and death?
64. Improving your relationship
Each relationship is unique and can be made better. Talk about the things the two of you need to do to become better partners or lovers. You will realise that simple changes will make your relationship stronger. Ask her the big question below.
- How can we become better partners to each other?
65. Aliens
Share your passionate beliefs and interests about aliens. Be sure this will be an interesting conversation. Start the conversation with this question.
- Do you believe in aliens?
66. Dark humour
Dark humour focuses on parts of life we normally do not enjoy talking about, e.g., disaster, death, disease, and depression. If you can stand it, talk about dark humour.
Ensure you do not trigger your partner's emotions or insecurities.

Source: UGC
67. Funniest jokes
If you wish to laugh uncontrollably with your significant other, share the funniest jokes, puns, and riddles you have ever heard. You can ask her this question.
- What is the funniest joke you’ve ever heard?
68. Nicknames for each other
Nicknames come naturally in a relationship. However, not all are acceptable. The nicknames you give your girlfriend should be acceptable to her. You can talk about them by asking these questions.
- What was your childhood nickname?
- What nicknames do you like best?
69. Politics
Politics is another sensitive topic, but you should explore political thoughts, especially if your girlfriend loves politics. You can ask her the following questions.
- What do you think about our country's political status?
- Do you think we elected the best leaders for our country?
70. Warning labels
If you both came with warning labels attached to you, what would they say? Take turns describing them. This will be one hilarious conversation.
- I've got two different warning labels that I could wear. Do you know them?
71. Simulation theory
We live in an interesting world where fiction movies have left us with more questions than answers. You can discuss the simulation theory for hours. Kickstart the chat with this big question.
- Do you think our existence is a simulated reality?
72. Nightmares
Dreams are an interesting thing to talk about. Almost everyone has a long and deep history of recurring dreams and nightmares. You can talk about hers by asking this question.
- What was your worst nightmare and why?
73. Personal philosophies
A personal philosophy is a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide an individual's behaviour. For most people, developing personal philosophies is an ongoing thing. Talk about her deeply-held life philosophies by asking these questions.
- What is the importance of a personal philosophy?
- What is your golden rule in life?
74. Ancient civilisations
Ancient civilisations are definitely some weird but good stuff to talk about. Some of the questions you can ask related to ancient civilisations are listed below.
- How many Kings did Ancient Sparta have at one time?
- What year was Rome founded?
- Who did Theseus kill in the heart of the Labyrinth?
75. Secret societies
Secret societies and mysterious associations are infinitely fascinating and scary at the same time. From the Illuminati to the Bilderberg Group and the FreeMasons, almost everyone has some kind of opinion about them.
- Would you join a secret society?
- Is the Illuminati real, in your opinion?
76. Roleplay ideas
You would be surprised how many women enjoy roleplay fantasies. As men, this can sometimes feel a little awkward, but you can start the conversation with this big question.
- What is your best roleplay fantasy?

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77. Family traditions
Family traditions shape who we are. Discussing them can help you understand each other’s backgrounds better.
- What family traditions do you cherish the most?
- Is there a tradition you would like to start with us?
78. Life lessons learned
Sharing valuable life lessons can help you grow together and gain insights into each other’s experiences.
- What is a lesson you learned the hard way?
- Is there a particular experience that taught you something important?
79. Work-life balance
Understanding how each other balances work and personal life can help in supporting one another.
- How do you manage stress from work?
- What do you do to unwind after a busy day?
80. Dream home
Talking about your dream living space can reveal your preferences and aspirations for the future.
- What does your dream home look like?
- Where would you want to live if you could choose anywhere?
81. Personal achievements
Celebrating accomplishments together strengthens your bond and supports each other’s growth. You can talk about your personal achievements and what you aspire in life.
- What is your proudest achievement so far?
- Is there something you’re currently working towards that excites you?
82. Favourite quotes
Sharing quotes can inspire deeper conversations and reveal your values and beliefs. There are numerous quotes that are inspiring and uplifting. Talk about them.
- What is a quote that resonates with you?
- Is there a quote that you try to live by?
83. Social issues
Discussing important social issues can lead to meaningful conversations about your values and beliefs.
- What social issue are you most passionate about?
- How do you think we can make a difference in that area?
84. Unforgettable moments together
Reminiscing about special times can strengthen your bond and create a sense of nostalgia.
- What’s your favorite memory of us together?
- Is there a moment that made you realize how much you care about me?
85. How you met
Revisiting how you first met can be a sweet way to reminisce about your relationship’s beginnings.
- What do you remember most about our first meeting?
- Was there anything surprising about that day?
86. Favourite weekend activities
Discussing how you both like to spend your weekends can lead to shared plans and fun outings.
- What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?
- Do you prefer a relaxing weekend or one full of activities?

Source: UGC
87. What makes you feel supported?
Understanding how to support each other is vital for a healthy relationship.
- What do you need from me to feel supported?
- How can I help you during tough times?
88. Life goals
Talking about life goals can help you understand each other's long-term visions and how to support them.
- What is a major life goal you want to achieve?
- How can we work together to reach our goals?
89. Favorite sports or activities
Discussing sports or activities you enjoy can lead to fun shared experiences.
- What is your favorite sport to watch or play?
- Is there an activity you’d like us to try together?
90. What makes you feel confident?
Talking about confidence can help you understand each other better and support one another’s self-esteem.
- What makes you feel most confident?
- Is there something you’d like to improve about your confidence?
91. Dream destinations
Discussing dream vacations can inspire travel plans and highlight shared interests.
- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- What activities would you want to do on that vacation?
92. What are you passionate about?
Understanding each other's passions can lead to meaningful conversations and shared experiences.
- What hobby or activity are you most passionate about?
- How did you get into that?
93. Favourite ways to spend time together
Talking about how you enjoy spending time together can lead to more enjoyable experiences.
- What is your favourite way for us to spend time together?
- Is there something new you would like to try with me?
94. Favourite seasons
Talking about your favourite seasons can lead to discussions about activities you enjoy during different times of the year.
- What’s your favourite season and why?
- Is there a specific memory associated with that season?
95. What would you change about the world?
Discussing your ideas for a better world can reveal your values and encourage thoughtful conversation.
- If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
- What steps do you think we could take to make that change?
96. Most memorable birthday
Sharing memorable birthday experiences can bring up fun stories and celebrations.
- What is the best birthday you have ever had?
- Is there a birthday you would like to forget?

Source: UGC
97. Favorite board games or video games
Discussing games can lead to fun nights together and reveal more about each other’s interests.
- What is your favorite board game or video game?
- Is there a game you enjoy playing with friends?
98. What you would do differently in life
Reflecting on past choices can lead to meaningful discussions about growth and change.
- If you could redo one decision in your life, what would it be?
- What did you learn from that experience?
99. Favourite ways to relax
Talking about how you both unwind can lead to deeper understanding and shared relaxation techniques.
- How do you like to relax after a long day?
- Is there a specific activity that helps you unwind?
100. What makes you feel loved?
If you are looking for romantic topics to talk with girlfriend at night, then you can discuss more about your love life. Understanding how to express love can strengthen your relationship and improve communication.
- What actions make you feel most loved?
- Is there something I can do more of to show you I care?
101. Life in the future
Imagining the future together can create excitement and strengthen your bond.
- Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?
- What kind of life do you envision for us?
102. Important life events
Sharing significant events can deepen your connection and understanding of each other’s experiences.
- What is an important event in your life that shaped who you are?
- How did that experience impact you?
103. Favourite sex position
Favourite sex position is one of the flirty things to talk about with your girlfriend. Discussing intimate preferences can enhance your connection and improve your physical relationship. It is important to approach the topic with openness and trust.
- What is your favorite sex position and why?
- Are there any positions you have always wanted to try?
What are some questions that can be used as conversation starters?
Below is a list of questions you can use to start conversations with your girlfriend.
- What was the highlight of your day?
- Did anything interesting happen today?
- What have you been reading or watching lately that you’ve enjoyed?
- What made you happy today?
- Is there anything you want to discuss that we haven’t discussed yet?
- Are you excited about the month ahead?
- Did you get everything that you wanted to accomplish?
- Are there any upcoming events or holidays that you’re looking forward to?
- What are you most proud of today?
What should you not talk about with your girlfriend?
You should not talk about her friends being hot, past relationships, and negative things about friends and family. You must also not compare her with other girls.
How do you start a romantic conversation with your girlfriend?
You can start a romantic conversation by complimenting her personality, physical appearance, and talents. Allow the conversation to slow, and do not force anything. You can also start chats with interesting questions.
How do you keep a conversation going with your girlfriend?
You can keep the conversation going by talking about one of the topics listed above. You can also keep the conversation alive by asking follow-up questions.
What can you talk about with your girlfriend in chat?
You can converse about many things with your girlfriend via chart. Talk about her day, interests, worries, successes, failures, and much more.
What does it mean when you run out of things to talk about with your girlfriend?
Running out of things to talk about could mean that your relationship is stuck in a comfort zone. When you run out of things to talk about with your girlfriend, try to find new and exciting things to talk about, do, or explore.
What to talk about with your girlfriend?
You can talk about many things with your bae. You can start with simple things like how the day was and move deeper to issues like fears, goals, and ambitions in life.
How to romantic talk with gf?
To engage in romantic conversation with your girlfriend, share personal feelings and memories that emphasize your affection for her. Create a warm atmosphere by using soft tones and perhaps setting a romantic backdrop.
There are multiple things to talk about with your girlfriend over text, call, or in person. We hope you find interesting things to discuss with your partner from the topics explored above.
Legit.ng recently published a list of happy wedding anniversary quotes for parents from their loving kids. Celebrate your parents’ lasting love with happy wedding anniversary quotes that honour their bond.
From cute messages to funny wedding anniversary wishes, wonderful anniversary quotes for parents will make them feel extra special on their special day. It is essential to appreciate your parents for always sticking together.
Source: Legit.ng

Regina Stets (SEO writer) Regina has been working as a reporter since 2017. She has written numerous publications on various topics, including celebrities, lifestyle, news, and many more. In addition to writing, she is also an English teacher, translator and a volunteer. Her interests are art, psychology and travelling, and she believes in equal rights for everyone. reginastets@gmail.com

Mercy Mbuthia (Lifestyle writer) Mercy Mbuthia is a content writer with five years of experience writing on various topics, including biographies, entertainment, and lifestyle. She joined the Legit team in 2019. Mercy earned a Master of Science (Food, Nutrition & Dietetics) from Dedan Kimathi University in 2022. Her articles have appeared on several media sites such as The Health Channel, The Nation, Tekrati, ValiantCEO and Celebrity Leader. In 2023, Mercy finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: mercymmbuthia18@gmail.com