Why Buhari Plans Secret Trial On Dasuki

Why Buhari Plans Secret Trial On Dasuki

Editor’s note: The reporter of the Sun Newspaper shares his views on why President Muhammadu Buhari calls for the secret trial on a former National Security Adviser Sambo Dasuki.

Why Buhari Plans Secret Trial On Dasuki
Sambo Dasuki and ex-president Goodluck Jonathan

A sad reminder of the dark and shackled days of military dictatorship

This must be one of the strangest things coming from the APC government of Muhammadu Buhari. The government has just shocked the civilised world with its plan to try the former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki (retd.), in secret over the charges it preferred against him.


Let us recall that Buhari’s government had, in July this year, despatched operatives of the Department of State Services (DSS) to invade Dasuki’s houses in Abuja and Sokoto. The invasion was crude and rude. It violated not just the fundamental human rights of Dasuki, it was completely lacking in civility and decency. The conduct of DSS operatives at Dasuki’s residences was a sad reminder of the dark and shackled days of military dictatorship in Nigeria. But it happened under the white-washed regime that is laying claim to popu­lism.

READ ALSO: Court Moves Ruling On Former NSA, Sambo Dasuki's Case

From the one-count charge to a five-count charge

Government and its agents had, after the invasion, accused Dasuki of sundry crimes. He was accused of treason and felony for being in possession of firearms that could be used to overthrow the federal govern­ment. He was also accused of misuse of power, cor­ruption and the like. Based on these wild allegations, government charged Dasuki to court. He has since been standing trial before a Federal High Court in Abuja.

But then to demonstrate its poor hold on the situation, government has been amending with reckless abandon the charges it brought against Dasuki. It dropped all the charges it initially brought against the former NSA but held on to one – illegal possession of firearms.

Strangely, when the court resumed seating this Monday, government sought to slam more charges against Dasuki. It asked the court to include in the charge sheet other issues like alleged retention of funds, which formed part of the proceeds of an unlawful act contrary to the Money Laundering Prohibition Act 2011. From the one-count charge of illegal possession of firearms, government is now pressing for a five-count charge against Dasuki. But that is beside the point.

Shocking details of government’s appeal for secret trial

The real shock of the moment is that government is asking for a secret trial for Dasuki. The application brought to court by government’s prosecutor contained shocking details. Here are some of them. Government wants the names and addresses of all its witnesses not to be disclosed in any record or report of proceed­ings that may be accessible to the public and that the witnesses should use pseudonyms in the course of proceedings.

READ ALSO: Col. Dasuki Sambo Charged For Money Laundering

Government is also asking that its witnesses should wear facial masks while giving evidence against the former NSA. The witnesses are to be granted access to a non-public route to and from the court premises and courtrooms and they must be allowed to use private witnesses room. Also, the prosecution does not want any member of the public to witness the trial. The prosecution said the witnesses would not testify without secret trial for fear of reprisal from undisclosed places. That is the absurdity before us. That is the in­credible narrative coming from government.

Is government sincere in the Dasuki trial?

It is difficult to pigeonhole this strange request from government without feeling that somebody is in a trance. I refuse to believe that someone in his right senses will conjure this strangeness. You want to try someone in secret in today’s world? And over what? How grievous can these allegations get to warrant such a strange application from the prosecution? Even the worst of military regimes never subscribed to this cru­dity. Facial masks? Private routes? Pseudonyms? Secret trial? What all this tells us is that government is not sincere in the Dasuki trial. It has so much to hide. That is why it cannot face the public. Government is simply looking for a secret route through which it can railroad Dasuki into jail. But that trick is too cheap. We are not taken in by it.

In the face of all this, we cannot but ask: What is government afraid of? Why does it want a secret trial? What happened to transparency? Why is government not interested in carrying the people along? Is govern­ment forgetting so soon that it derived its legitimacy from the same people it is trying to shut out? Somebody must be forgetting something. Those who are leading government into this blind campaign must have forgotten the populist posturing of those who con­stitute the government. Now, the new men of power are behaving as if they never had a past. That is why they want to present us with a world of make-belief. When did courtrooms become trial grounds for Hollywood movies and the artificial world of film tricks? Someone should please tell this government not to take Nigeri­ans for a ride.

READ ALSO: The Real Reasons Why Dasuki Is Being Investigated

Nigerians are now at the crossroads of history. They thought Buhari had changed. They, therefore, entrusted him with change. Now, they are discovering to their chagrin that Buhari has not changed and that he cannot change. In any case, how do you expect a man who is over 70 years of age to change? Those who were carried away by the change mantra certainly did not think. Today, they are victims of their own mental flights. What a pity.

Read the rest at The Sun

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Source: Legit.ng

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Khadijah Thabit (Copyeditor) Khadijah Thabit is an editor with over 3 years of experience editing and managing contents such as articles, blogs, newsletters and social leads. She has a BA in English and Literary Studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Khadijah joined Legit.ng in September 2020 as a copyeditor and proofreader for the Human Interest, Current Affairs, Business, Sports and PR desks. As a grammar police, she develops her skills by reading novels and dictionaries. Email: khadeeejathabit@gmail.com