Ramadan Day 4: Four things you probably didn’t know about As-Sahuur (Pre-dawn Meal)

Ramadan Day 4: Four things you probably didn’t know about As-Sahuur (Pre-dawn Meal)

Editor's Note: In this piece, Mudathir Ishaq shares four key important things every Muslim should know about Sahuur as Ramadan 2020 enters day four.

Sahuur is a meal taken before the appearance of Fajr (Calling of Subhi prayer).

As narrated by Amr bin Aas (RTA), the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “The difference between our fast and that of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) is taking Sahuur.” [Muslim 1096]

Ramadan Day 4: Four things you probably didn’t know about As-Sahuur (Pre-dawn Meal)
Ramadan Day 4: Four things you probably didn’t know about As-Sahuur (Pre-dawn Meal). Photo credit: The Cable
Source: UGC

Four things you should know about Sahuur:

1. As-Sahuur is a Barakah (Blessing)

On the authority of Salmaan (R.T.A), he said: The Prophet SAW said: “There is blessing in three things; Jama’a (Congregation), Thareed, and Sahuur” [Tabarani 6127]

Abu Hurairah also narrated that the Prophet SAW said: “Indeed Allah ha put barakah in As-Sahuur…”

Abdullah bin Haaris also reported from one of the Companions of the Prophet SAW where he said: “I went to the Prophet SAW while he was taking his Sahuur and he said to me: (( It is a blessing given to you by Allah so don’t forsake it.)) [Nisaa’i 4/145]

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2. Allah and his angels pray on those who take their Sahuur

It suffices as a great virtue that Allah doesnt only forgives the sins of people who observe Sahuur, bt also covers them with his mercy, His angels seek forgiveness on their behalf, and they pray that Allah choose them among those that’ll be emancipated during the month of Ramadan.

For Abu Said Alkudriy RTA said that the Messenger of Allah SAW said: “ Sahuur is a blessed food, do not forsake it even if it is gulp of water, you should take, for Allah and His Angels pray on those who observe Sahuur.”

3. Delaying Sahuur

It is recommended that Sahuur should be delayed until very few minutes before Fajr, because the Prophet SAW and Zaid bin Thabit took their Sahuur and when they finished, the Prophet went directly to lead the Salatul Subh.

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The time interval between taking his Sahuur and commencing Salat is approximately a time one can recite 50 verses of the Qur’an.

Zaid bin thabit said: “I took Sahuur together with the Prophet SAW and he (immediately) proceeded to pray, i asked, whats the interval between Adhan (calling to prayer) and Sahuur? He said: Approximately (time required to recite) 50 verses.” [Bukhari 4/118, Muslim 1097]

4. Ruling on taking Sahuur

Alhafidh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani brought in Fathul-Baari (4/139) that the consensus of Scholars of Islam is that Sahuur is a recommended act and not compulsory. I.e Not taking is not be considered a Sin.

Allah Surely Knows Best.

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Mudathir Ishaq Mudathir Ishaq is the head of the Hausa desk at Legit.ng. He studied Industrial Chemistry as first degree at the University of Abuja, Journalism (CSR Specialization) with the Michigan State University and runs MSc Industrial Chemistry from the Nasarawa State University, Keffi. With more than a decade experience in news reporting and content editing, he has interviewed influential personalities. He can be reached on: mudathir.ishaq@corp.legit.ng