NEXT BASKET launches an innovative 2-in-1 e-commerce model

NEXT BASKET launches an innovative 2-in-1 e-commerce model

Days before its official launch, NEXT BASKET – the new player in the field of e-commerce, announced the exact conditions for cooperation with its first partners.

The platform was created to offer the most affordable way possible to create a new or migrate an existing online store, and at the same time, many services in the field of e-commerce. Thus, entrepreneurs can leave everything in the hands of NEXT BASKET experts, and they will have only one obligation – to deliver the goods to their warehouse.

NEXT BASKET launches an innovative 2-in-1 e-commerce model

We summarize in the following lines how it will achieve this.

What does NEXT BASKET offer

NEXT BASKET is a 2-in-1 platform offering software for creating e-shops. You can create your online store yourself or entrust this task to the company's experts, in both cases using all starting, managing and developing services of an online business locally and internationally.

The platform concentrates the most modern technologies for e-commerce, complemented by a significant number of ready-made functionalities, integrations and expert services performed by a carefully selected professional team.

Among the services offered are: call center, digital marketing, preparation of marketing and sales strategies, planning campaigns and promotions, writing product descriptions and many others.

Thus, future NEXT BASKET Partners receive a modern e-commerce tool, as well as comprehensive strategic management, which helps them to be competitive and sustainable in the field of the dynamic online market.

Main advantages of the NEXT BASKET business model

Choosing the NEXT BASKET business model provides a number of advantages: building an online store in 72 hours; personal consultant; Help Point 24/7 for reporting technical bugs; reliable protection against hackers; meeting 96% of Google requirements for online stores and many more.

Digital business with zero investment and no employees

NEXT BASKET is created as a platform that is provided for rental use. It is distinguished by numerous functionalities, integrations and last but not least – security. Partners only pay a flat monthly fee and get much more.

The platform provides a complete service including website development, online marketing and sales functionalities, inventory management, SEO optimization and many other features.

NEXT BASKET partners can use a wide range of expert services in the field of online commerce, strategic planning, advertising and marketing.

Some of the services are paid, and others – currently 25 in number – are free.

The combination of software for rent + team for rent is unparalleled worldwide, and the result achieved is the generation of real sales without the costs of hiring and training teams for technical support, marketing, advertising or logistics activities.

What are the Platform terms of use

NEXT BASKET Partners have the chance to try out the Platform to judge whether it is suitable for their needs within a 14-day test period.

The platform also launches with a special offer for 4 free months at an annual subscription. Thus, every new online store will pay for 8 months and uses the service for 12.

After concluding an annual contract, the Partner has a 30-day money-back guarantee in case he/she/it is not completely satisfied with the offered solutions and services.

The full conditions for using the innovative business model for e-commerce and all additional services can be viewed on the NEXT BASKET website

The official launch of the Platform for Nigeria will be at the beginning of November.

NEXT BASKET - Success is a good idea.



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