South Africans, Nigerians Clash Over Xenophobic Attacks

South Africans, Nigerians Clash Over Xenophobic Attacks

In a reaction to threat issues by the radical Islamist sect, Boko Haram to South Africa government to stop xenophobic attacks against foreigners, South Africans and Nigerians citizens have reportedly clashed.

The clash occurred through verbal confrontation on a popular news portal following their reactions and counter reactions to the published report.

Sipho Sika Masoka, a South African national while reacting to the reported threat by Boko Haram said: “I do not condone xenophobic attacks. What my people are doing is totally wrong, but since when does Boko Haram worry about its Nigerian citizens? They kill and rape their own kind, bloody animals. Let them come they will never compare to the South African army, we will kill them.”

In a response, a Nigerian national, Heath Kudzie Chiggz, who noted that he is not in support of either Boko Haram or xenophobia, told Masoka to lower his expectation.

READ ALSO: No Nigerian Casualty In South Africa— Obanikoro

“If you check what Boko Haram is really about you will know it’s a terrorist organisation which is not only in Nigeria like they always present it, it goes beyond that, even America and others can’t challenge the organisation. There are great armies in the world that are much better than South African soldiers but they just can’t do anything to the sect even the UN army was silenced... So don’t keep your expectations too high,” Chiggz said.

Mokgetu Makhari Ndivhuho, who shared s diverse opinion, posited that “African leaders should improve condition in their countries and stop blaming South African leaders about their failures. They say it black on black but in their countries there are wars, are they fighting the white? They should just go back and fight their war, African leaders are failing big time, I don’t support xenophobia but South Africa is small we can’t accommodate all Africans.”

But, Gertie Ngerem Mokgetu Makhari, reacted saying: “did you hear yourself. It's obvious you support xenophobia. Stop pretending, end of.”

A Nigerian Djbernarzo Bernard said: “I guess all South Africans in other countries should be treated the same way you treat other foreigners. Don’t blame the foreigners blame your government for not securing the borders.”

Whlie another Nigerian, Damian Kelly, who reacted angrily said: “do you know how many South Africans are in other countries? If we launch such attack will it favour you? Boko Haram forward match bomb them let them see how it hurts to kill a brother. What have you guys done to the whites that have dominated your place? Well till this time I thought slavery had stopped but South Africans are slaves in their father land.”

Ongeziwe Austin said: “the problem is looming and there is no army in South Africa that can face Boko Haram. We are going to cry to America for assistance, our soldiers failed in C.A.R and also failed to stop these Africans from entering this country illegally. These xenophobic attacks must be stopped please.”

Kuda Muchemenyi said: “it surprises me how most of you South Africans are opening your comments with "I don't condone xenophobia", yet your statements afterwards show clearly that you are in full support. The statement by your president in Parliament yesterday that "the attacks are not xenophobic" is disgusting to say the least. You guys should address the real causes for your country's deteriorating economy and not misdirect your bitterness on innocent foreigners. If you didn't want foreigners within your borders you should have never accommodated them In the first place. You are failing to remove the white man from your farms yet you kill your own fellow Blackman… silly.”

Kyle Stone, a Pretoria resident in response to Muchemenyi’s assertion said: “uhmm how will removing farmers help exactly?

Shawn Brink in his own reaction was quoted as saying: “why should the white man be removed from his farm? He's a born South African citizen who paid for the land that he's farming, bringing a positive income into the country and feeding the population. I do agree with what you say prior to your last racist statement. But the problem is that the ruling party are stealing and misusing tax payers money for their own benefits, placing people into important positions that are not fit to be in those positions and instead of building the country, they are systematically breaking it down. Instead of plowing all the money made back into the country to make the economy grow and better citizens lives, they resort to corruption and thievery while the country and it's people suffer. And keep in mind that what these criminals are doing to the foreigners and their property is what they see the leaders doing. A leader leads by example. A good leader will have good followers.”

READ ALSO: OPINION: SA xenophobia threaten African future - Shehu Sani

Meanwhile, some South African nationals attributed the xenophobic attacks on the ‘Majority Rule’ currently in place in the country.

Pierre Wheeler said he wouldn’t be afraid of Boko Haram if it was SANDF (South African Defence Force) in the past, but noted that “with our current military that will go on strike for wages and soldiers that don’t even tie their shoe laces?

But Cephas Petersen described SANDF as ‘weekend soldiers’ since the "Majority Rule" took over South Africa. He said everything's going downhill and wished the clowns could step down and allow the qualified people handle things.

However, a Nigerian, Di Ebere, who condemned the Islamic militants and rejected its alleged help said: “wonders shall never end! Imagine pot calling kettle black. This reveals Boko Haram is a political tool use by Northern power drunk tyrants to cause instability and wreak havoc in order to achieve their political hegemony, now they want forgiveness... Our land will never forgive them.”

Prior to 1994, immigrants from other African countries faced discrimination and violence in South Africa which started from institutionalised racism at time due to apartheid.

Tribal warfare has been happening before apartheid in South Africa. There was one between Xhosa's and Zulu's after democratisation in 1994, contrary to expectations, the incidence of xenophobia increased.

Between 2000 and March 2008 at least 67 people died in what were identified as xenophobic attacks. In May 2008 a series of riots left 62 people dead; although 21 of those killed were South African citizens. The attacks were apparently motivated by xenophobia.

Also, there were xenophobic attacks in Durban in April 2015, where South Africans were reportedly looting foreigners properties and attacking immigrants especially blacks.

Zimbabweans, Somalis, Nigerians and Mozambicans nationals were the most affected.


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Khadijah Thabit (Copyeditor) Khadijah Thabit is an editor with over 3 years of experience editing and managing contents such as articles, blogs, newsletters and social leads. She has a BA in English and Literary Studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Khadijah joined in September 2020 as a copyeditor and proofreader for the Human Interest, Current Affairs, Business, Sports and PR desks. As a grammar police, she develops her skills by reading novels and dictionaries. Email:
