Knorr Eativist Kaylah Oniwo on balancing a busy schedule with healthy lifestyle

Knorr Eativist Kaylah Oniwo on balancing a busy schedule with healthy lifestyle

Knorr Eativist Kaylah Oniwo on balancing a busy schedule with healthy lifestyle
Knorr Eativist Kaylah Oniwo
Source: UGC

Ever wondered how a media whirlwind like Kaylah Oniwo stays healthy? Buckle up, because we're about to unlock her secrets! Content creator queen and Knorr Eativist Kaylah Oniwo is here to show you that healthy living can be delicious and dynamic! From juggling deadlines to whipping up wholesome meals, Kaylah Oniwo masters it all. Dive into her world of work-life balance and healthy hacks in this exclusive interview

As a busy woman on the go, what are your best tips for ensuring that you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Kaylah: Health is my power source for peak performance! I'm passionate about self-care, as it's crucial for top-notch productivity. Massages, exercises like yoga, and occasional breaks are my secret sauce for resetting and diving back into the grind refreshed. Even when life's a whirlwind, I stick to a personalized diet tailored to my body's needs, guided by my doctor and nutritionist. Whether it's vitamins or nutrients, I fine-tune my intake to match what my body craves. This adaptable approach keeps my healthy lifestyle intact amid the hustle!

Sometimes, life’s a whirlwind, and I might sway from the routine, but my adaptable approach gets me back on track lightning-fast. It’s not about rules; it’s about a flexible, mindful groove that keeps me winning the health game!

● What are your best easy yet delicious recipes for anyone looking to start ‘Eating for Good’?

Kaylah: I’m all about veggie power! Wraps are my go-to, whether they’re loaded with veggies, chicken, or prawns. Count me in! Stir-fry is a staple too, packed with protein from veggie, eggs; or our local favourite, Efo riro, paired with rice or any “swallow,” as they call it here. My nutritionist emphasizes the importance of veggies in every meal, and I’ve taken that to heart. Homemade wraps and meals steal the show for tastier, healthier bites. Balancing my meals with carbs, protein, fruits, and fibre keeps me on track for year-round healthy eating because I love FOOD.

Knorr Eativist Kaylah Oniwo on balancing a busy schedule with healthy lifestyle

Why is a healthy lifestyle so important to you, and why should more people make the switch to the ‘Eat for Good’ way of life?

Kaylah: A healthy lifestyle is the bedrock of optimal performance. It’s more than just eating right; it’s a holistic approach integrating exercise, nutrition, rest, and mental well-being. Without this balance, our ability to thrive diminishes. Embracing an ‘Eat for Good’ lifestyle isn’t just about food; it’s a transformative shift leading to vitality and resilience. It’s crucial for individuals and contributes to a healthier, happier society. A balanced diet is key; it fuels our efforts in the gym and supports overall wellness.

Amidst our active lives, prioritizing mental health through rest, stress management and nourishing foods is paramount. This comprehensive approach forms the core of a truly thriving lifestyle.



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