PMB, Don't Think Of Signing Homosexuality Into Law!

PMB, Don't Think Of Signing Homosexuality Into Law!

Editor's note: constant guest author Ubaka Chukwuka Maximus calls on President Buhari to strongly oppose the probable Obama's suggestion to adopt a gay rights bill in exchange for economic advantages.

Story highlights:

- "One can rightly say the United States of America has taken it upon itself to be the sole enforcer of gay rights and arbiter of what human rights are."

- "America refuses to acknowledge the fact that the African concept of human rights is different."

- "... even anti-Jonathan section applauded their the courage in signing the anti-gay bill into law. "

- "Under Obama’s supervision Africa is being bullied and threatened. "

- "President Buhari should not allow Obama to force him into signing the gay friendly law, because gay rights are not human rights, they are an abomination of God and nature. "

One can rightly say the United States of America has taken it upon itself to be the sole enforcer of gay rights and arbiter of what human rights are. This unwritten role of America in the global moral environment was evidently shown in the way the country despised Jonathan’s administration for the obvious reason of disallowing misguided Nigerians to practice the sacrilegious act called homosexuality. Experts were employed to devise the ways of punishing Jonathan for defiling the “sacred” American order. The situation with Boko Haram became a handy reason to insult and denigrate the former president, and refuse to render military support in the effort to make Nigeria a gay friendly nation.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become a document which the United States is using to coerce Nigeria to adopt gay marriages. If the countries like Nigeria and Uganda had known the unseen reasons behind the declaration, I am sure they wouldn’t have signed it. The countries are supposed to be sovereign, but the international treaties, just like the colonial protectorate treaties, have created a new form of master-slave relationships among the nations. America refuses to acknowledge the fact that the African concept of human rights is different. Countries have various cultural, ethical and moral norms; this cultural peculiarity should be respected. It is unfair when one country works so hard to make another country become what it doesn’t want to become through diplomatic coercion. This is a pure invasion of our psychology.

Unarguably, Nigerians have little love for the National Assembly members, but even anti-Jonathan section applauded their the courage in signing the anti-gay bill into law. This is because 87% of Nigerians, according to a survey, is against this obnoxious character flaw. Amnesty International seeing Nigerians’ resolution against gay marriages sent a warning. Barack Obama sent his disapproval; patronage of the Nigerian oil was reduced to zero. The BBC and CNN carried out the documentaries on Jonathan’s bad leadership. The same Amnesty International accused the accomplished generals like Ihejirika of war crimes. The US government in a display of  “brotherly” love decided to send soldiers to locate the Chibok girls. The former ended up spying on us without locating the girls even with the help of sophisticated technologies and satellite imaging. This charade was scripted and directed by Barack Obama, a fellow black man, with the intention of ridiculing Jonathan because Nigerians decided to call gays criminals.

Africa’s experience with President Obama has made me believed that colour of skin doesn’t make one Africa. President Obama betrayed our expectations. Under his watch Libya was turned into debris; Egypt is struggling to survive a bloody conflict; arms trafficking became a free business in Africa. Under Obama’s supervision Africa is being bullied and threatened. Little wonder his own country, Kenya, protested against his visit. Obama made history by being the first American president to openly support homosexuality and make it a national law. What a dent to his skin colour! Of all the human rights abuses in Nigeria including police brutality, extrajudicial killings, hunger and abject poverty, unemployment and imposition of candidates during the election Obama’s government takes homosexual inclinations more seriously. The West is least concerned about ISIL, Al-Shabaab in the Eastern Africa, Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, al-Sharia and Boko Haram; instead it is punishing Uganda for the same “offence” Jonathan committed.

President Buhari should not allow Obama to force him into signing a gay friendly law, because gay rights are not human rights, they are an abomination of God and nature. America is not indispensable; a country can defile America and survive. Cuba is not in any trade relationship with the US , but the country is growing. In fact, Cuba has the highest literacy level in the world. Venezuela under Hugo Chavez was independent of ungodly America. Little Panama is managing without the US.

Obama may use gay rights as a bargaining tool with Nigeria during the bilateral trade talks. The incentive to play with the devil may be very tempting considering the unguided APC campaign promises such as N5,000 unemployment benefit and pledges to end insurgency. Buhari is not at any advantage at the negotiation table considering the magnitude of the problems Nigeria is facing. The continuous depreciation of naira against dollar may have some political gimmicks behind itself, as we can still remember what happened to Zimbabwe currency when Mugabe disobeyed the West. President Buhari's Islamic faith will be tested if he is offered an economic boom in exchange for the gay rights bill.

Our president should note that the US has a way of extracting a bigger portion in any deal. This country is a friend to no one. The way it allowed Iran, which openly threatened to annihilate Israel, to operate a nuclear facility tells a discerning mind that even Israel is not a friend.

We prefer a 2% economic growth to devaluation of our moral standards. We prefer to deal with our problems internally, because we are not the US that practices religion without morality. Let's grow economically and politically within our range; there are other super powers like Russia and China which are not so amoral and cunning as ungodly America. The States is corrupting humanity, and if the APC government wants to support this moral corruption, Nigerians will vehemently reject the party. Morality differentiates us from animals, and even animals are wary of homosexuals.

PMB, Don't Think Of Signing Homosexuality Into Law!
Maximus Chukwuka for

Mr Chukwuka is a graduate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 

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Khadijah Thabit (Copyeditor) Khadijah Thabit is an editor with over 3 years of experience editing and managing contents such as articles, blogs, newsletters and social leads. She has a BA in English and Literary Studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Khadijah joined in September 2020 as a copyeditor and proofreader for the Human Interest, Current Affairs, Business, Sports and PR desks. As a grammar police, she develops her skills by reading novels and dictionaries. Email: