Money from America makes kids in Ogun happy as they get new bicycles

Money from America makes kids in Ogun happy as they get new bicycles

- Some school children resident in Ore Akinde village have got help and their days of six hours trek is finally over

- With the help of Yetunde Adeseluka-Oladejo and Bilqis Williams, they now have new bicycles to help cover the distance between home and school

- Before the comfort came, the children were always on the road as early as 5:30 am to make school early

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A Nigerian woman, Yetunde Adeseluka-Oladejo, has shone a light on the ordeal of some poor school children of Ore Akinde village in Ogun state.

Yetunde said that the children always had to endure the arduous task of trekking for six hours every day to their secondary school.

Days after posting about the kids’ hard life on her LinkedIn, another kind woman, Bilqis Williams reached out to know how they could help the children.

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Kind Yetunde travelled back to the village and consulted with their traditional heads on the students’ welfare.

Money from America makes kids in Ogun happy as they get new bicycles
The children said they are really happy with their new gift. Photo source: Yetunde Adeseluka-Oladejo
Source: UGC

Presented with the options of tricycles or bicycles, the village went for the latter because of bad roads and the low maintenance of two wheels.

Yetunde said the bicycles were bought by funds sent all the way from America by Bilqis, adding that the children were so happy to receive the gifts.

Below were some of the reactions the act of goodwill got:

Njideka Sanya said:

"Wow! Well done Yetunde Adeseluka-Oladejo, MPH, doing this provides something that is not as common as it should be, which is an acceptable, effective, and quick win/solution. They do need a school nearby, but building a school is a long term project, especially in our system..."

Adekunle Adeleye said:

"God bless you Yetunde. You have removed the biggest obstacle on their paths to a brighter future for these students. I’m sure some kids in this community would have been convinced to embrace farming. Of course, if you could get to the farm in 15 minutes, why spend 6 hours to get to school?"

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Sammy Prestige said:

"That is the way I walked when I was in secondary school in my village ipari nla, ijebu north east Ogun state for good 6yrs, but I wish one day, I could do something better to help those that are still trekking to this same school from my village. God bless you Yetunde Adeseluka-Oladejo, MPH for the good heart."

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Meanwhile, earlier reported that the founder of Slum2School, Otto Orondaam, proffered a very big solution to the problem of learning in the period when children were forced out of school by the coronavirus.

He announced his organisation made it possible for 948 kids to learn remotely with their first Virtual Learning Classroom in Africa.

Otto said his aim is to reach 10,000 kids during this season. Impossible is really nothing.

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Joseph Omotayo (HOD Human-Interest) Joseph Omotayo has been writing for the human interest desk since 2019 and is currently the head of the desk. He graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, with a degree in Literature in English in 2016. He once worked for Afridiaspora, OlisaTV & CLR. He is a 2022/2023 Kwame Karikari Fact-Checking fellow. He can be reached via:

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