Best city in Nigeria to live in - Top 5

Best city in Nigeria to live in - Top 5

What is the best city in Nigeria? Of course, you guessed which city we will talk about. Then get comfortable, because we will tell you about Lagos and the facts you didn't know before that will make you dream about leaving in this city. What other cities in the country can be called the best in terms of living conditions? Let`s get started!

The best city for all Nigerians and tourists

The best city to live in Nigeria

Many believe that Lagos is the best city to live in. Let's try to figure out why it is so, learn interesting facts about the former capital of the country, and find out what other cities can be called the best.

Lagos is located in the southwestern part of Nigeria. It is not only the former capital of the country but also its largest city. It is located on the coast of the Gulf of Benin and is washed by the waters of the Atlantic. Despite the lost capital status, this large metropolis still plays a vital role in the country, being an important transportation hub, as well as the economic and industrial center of Nigeria.

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A brief history of Lagos

Initially, the territory of modern Lagos was inhabited by the Yoruba tribes, who called their settlement Eko.

In the seventy-second year of the fifteenth century, a navigator from Portugal named Ruy de Sequeira set foot on African lands, and the first word that came to his mind was “lakes” - Lagos. So a new name was formed in the unknown area. From the fourth year of the eighteenth century, Lagos was the central region where the slave trade was widespread.

Only in the early forties of the next century, slave trade was terminated. In the fourteenth year of the twentieth century, Lagos became a British protectorate.

The birthplace of all Nigerian

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And now let's answer the main question, why is Lagos the best city in Nigeria to live in?


The information that living in Lagos is too expensive is very exaggerated. Of course, there are also costly apartments and hotels, but you can always find a budget option, which does not upset you with the conditions. Focus on your wages or wallet, and you will never lose. Employers provide accommodation very often, so you can spend more money on yourself.

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Accommodation in Lagos


In comparison with other major cities in Nigeria, Lagos is the main center in the field of telecommunications and information communications and takes the first place in the technology market.

Staff in this sector work an average of 11 hours, but their salaries are high. Other professions are also in great demand, but the salary will be lower since mental work is always paid more.

Since Lagos is the economic center of Africa, building a successful career here is much easier than in any other city on the continent.

Work in Lagos


Many hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities are concentrated in Lagos. At one time, Lagos made a discovery in medicine. Since Lagos is a titan of the Nigerian industry, the city authorities especially care about the health of the population.

As in all developed cities, in Lagos, there is a division into private and public clinics. But the overall health care system is at a high level compared to other big cities of Nigeria. In private hospitals, of course, the service are much better, but it also costs more. If you have a lot of time left, and you are ready to wait in long lines, then you can visit the public hospital.

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Medicine in Lagos


In Lagos, the education system works like a clock. There is elementary, middle, and high school. Particular emphasis is placed on primary and secondary education, raising in children not only mental but also moral qualities. Basic education is six years.

Universities here are also divided into private and public. Higher education in Lagos is considered to be of high quality.

Education in Lagos


Food is brought into Lagos from all parts of Nigeria. You can find and buy products for every taste, that is, everything that you can wish for.

Street food is in high demand here. It is incredibly tasty. Its aroma will find you in any part of the city, and you will not remain indifferent. The most popular dish here is Suya. It is sold almost everywhere in the city. A large percentage of Lagosians prefer to eat Agage bread than a burger. Akara, Boli, Puff Puff, Abacha, Agbo Jedi are very popular too.

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Market in Lagos

Shops and markets

About 21 million people live in Lagos, so you understand how many shops need to meet the demands of the population. There are shops for Lagosians of any social segment. You cannot only buy but also sell here. If you have something extra, this is not a problem, go out and sell it!

Numerous markets are mostly open air. A special feature is a constant noise and din of sellers and buyers, but this spectacle is really amazing and unusual. Here you can buy anything your heart desires. It is quite interesting to visit Sunday church ceremonies, which are similar to festivals.

Shops and markets in Lagos

Access to any part of the world

Life in Lagos implies free access to any part of the world. And the international airport will help to make this happen. There you can book a ticket to any city and fly as soon as possible.

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There are also two seaports in Lagos, so you can either go on a trip or purchase any goods, you just need to place an order.

The international airport of Lagos


Currently, Lagos belongs to the main attractions of Nigeria, where everyone wants to live. Everyone knows that Lagos is the center of the Nigerian film industry, called Nollywood. The number of films here significantly exceeds American Hollywood. These films talk about the lives of ordinary people so they are very popular among the population.

There are legends about nightlife in Lagos. From the nightclubs, you can always hear loud incendiary music, which attracts to go inside and have fun.

Here are monuments of architecture, cultural sites, museums, art galleries, cinemas, and many restaurants and expensive hotels. So, in Lagos, you can not only work but also have fun and spend good time with family and friends.

Entertainment in Lagos

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Besides parties and fun, you can visit cultural places and architectural monuments with your family or friends. It is so wonderful that you do not need to go far!

When you get tired of walking around the sights of Lagos, you can relax on the best city beach of Eleko, which will instantly charm you with its beauty. The length of the recreation area is two kilometers, while the whole territory is covered with soft white sand. The water along the entire coast is crystal clear and has a beautiful turquoise hue. It is very nice to spend there time with family and friends because there are no big waves, and the entrance to the sea is very convenient and safe.

Eleko beach

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Top cities in Nigeria

Yes, Lagos is considered the best city to live in, but there are other big and beautiful cities which are not inferior to it. Let's get acquainted with these beautiful cities and find out what life there looks like.

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Abuja is the capital of Nigeria, acquiring this status in 1991. The city sprawls in a picturesque valley in the center of the country, surrounded by African savannas, which attract safari lovers.

Here are a lot of comfortable hotels, shopping malls, entertainment, and administrative buildings. Many people are always working on improving the infrastructure.

This city is one of the most expensive in Nigeria, but the quality of services here is top notch. So, for example, getting an education here will be more costly than in any other city, but here you will become a high-quality specialist.

Since the city is technologically developed, it takes a lot of workers here. It will not be difficult to find a job in Abuja. You can also work as a trader or teacher, which will also help you earn more.

In your free time, you can relax by visiting the cozy restaurants, cinemas or walking around cultural places.

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Beautiful Abuja


Ibadan is the main center for Yoruba, a significant part of the community is engaged in agriculture, commerce, and craft. The city has over 800 thousand inhabitants. The emergence of Ibadan dates back to the end of the 18th century. The city stands on seven hills. At the top of one of them, Oka-Aremo, there is a tower with a viewing platform, from where a panorama of the city stretches in the shape of a horseshoe.

Ibadan is a wonderful city for living. Here you will not have problems with street traffic, because the roads are not congested. You will never be late. Besides, you always get fresh air that is not polluted by exhaust gases.

You can easily pay even the most luxurious apartments in Ibadan because the prices are relatively low and do not bite. For example, you can rent a luxury three-room apartment for only 250 thousand Nairas. The standard of living here is quite high, even though most food products, education, and shopping will be inexpensive for you. Here you stay healthy, and your wallet becomes larger.

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Ibadan is a peaceful place. The youth initiative is very developed here so young people take an active part in the public life of the city.

Ibadan is the main center of Yoruba

Benin City

Benin City is the administrative center of Edo state, which is also a significant center of the ancient art of the peoples of Nigeria. More than four centuries ago, when Europeans first came here, Benin was the capital of the state of the same name, the ethnic basis of which was Edo.

Benin City is one of the quietest and most peaceful cities in Nigeria. Here anyone will get a decent education and good work. Everything is cheap enough in Benin, so you will not clutch at the head,to pay the rent or buy products for the home.

In this wonderful city, you cannot only afford the essentials but also frequent visits to the cinema and restaurants. There are no such huge lines in hospitals, as in cities which are bigger. The staff here is very friendly and qualified.

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Benin City


Kano is located in the northern part of Nigeria and is also the capital of the state under the same name. It is one of the largest settlements of the country.

Kano is one of the largest and most populated cities in Nigeria, right after Lagos. People in this city are very friendly and kind so you are always welcome here. Everything is much cheaper in Kano than in the capital, for example. Education is at the highest level, and young people are regularly involved in various public events. Here you will find support in any case so making business is not an enormous amount of efforts. There are enough jobs for everyone, the main thing is to work hard and go towards the goal.

There are quarters of artisans in the city as in the old days, where weavers, tailors, dyers, jewelers, and other craftsmen traditionally live and work. In the old urban areas are houses, something like a fortress, surrounded by a bulk shaft. High-rise buildings and structures occupy new areas. Ancient and modern are miraculously combined in Kano.

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The most lively and noisy place in Kano is the market with an abundance of various goods such as colorful fabrics, leather and textile products, dishes, grain, cotton, nuts and many other things that are necessary for everyday life.

Kano city

Nigeria has a strong economic potential among other countries of the African continent. Every year crowds of tourists come here from different parts of the planet. There is also a large percentage of rural population migration, which is not surprising because in the Nigerian cities mentioned above everyone wants to live, develop and achieve great success.

There are many wonderful cities in Nigeria. If you think we have missed some really good city worth to be mentioned in our post, please share your opinion with us in the comments.

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Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: