What is a Sigma male: Definition, traits, examples, famous sigmas
Various theories on the web describe men as being either Alpha or Beta males. Alphas are known for their somewhat conceited confidence, while Betas are defined as the underdogs, those who are ready to take orders from the Alpha. What about the Sigma male? What are his character traits, and what makes him so attractive to women?

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The socio-sexual hierarchy was initially coined by Vox Day to describe where men fit on the socio-sexual totem pole. The hierarchy expands the Alpha-Beta division into a hierarchy that covers the broad spectrum of socio-sexuality.
According to Vox's classification, a man can either be an Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Omega, Lambda, or a Sigma. While the Alpha is defined as the center of attention, the Sigma male is quite the opposite. This man disregards hierarchical norms and goes against the mainstream.
What is a Sigma male?
Sigma male definition
The Sigma male is the outsider who doesn't play the social game and manages to win at it anyhow. According to Vox,
The Sigma is hated by Alphas because Sigmas are the only men who don't accept or at least acknowledge, however grudgingly, their social dominance. Alphas hate to be laughed at, and a Sigma can often enrage an Alpha by doing nothing more than smiling at him. Everyone else is vaguely confused by them...In a social situation, the Sigma is the man who stops in briefly to say hello to a few friends accompanied by a tier 1 girl that no one has ever seen before. Sigmas like women, but tend to be contemptuous of them. They are usually considered to be strange.
Sigma and Alphas are equal, but the former sits outside the hierarchy by choice.
Sigma males are defined as rule breakers and makers. Such a man may also be defined as an introverted Alpha who lives his life his own way. He has all the best traits of the Alpha and Beta.
Sigma male traits
What traits define a man with a Sigma personality? These top tier men have the following characteristics:
1. Independence
Sigma males are very independent men. They work hard and do not rely on anyone or anything to get what they want in life.
2. Introspection
Such a man has excellent self-awareness. He takes time to figure out what he wants and who he is emotionally and mentally. In short, he has himself all figured out.

Source: UGC
3. Silence
Unlike Alphas, who are mostly loud-mouthed and want all the attention, Sigmas are the quiet type. In a room, they are the people who quietly listen to the Alpha go on about something.
Sigmas don't say much. They only speak when they need to and say only what is important.
4. Intelligence
They are characterized by their high IQ and wit. Most of them have an INTJ personality type (introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging).
5. Troublemaking
They are rebels in disguise. They follow their own gut and believe that no one should infringe on their personal liberties.
6. Loners
Unlike Alphas, who need an audience to feel important and superior, Sigmas enjoy their own company. They work hard to understand themselves and enjoy spending time with themselves rather than with anyone else.
7. Capability
They are the men you can always count on. You can call a Sigma in the middle of the night to come to bail you out of jail, and he won't even have to reconsider helping you. Granted, he will not appreciate the disturbance, but he will show up for you at all costs.
Furthermore, such a man always accomplishes everything he sets his eyes on.
8. Charisma
Although quiet, once he opens his mouth, he will definitely charm you. His high IQ and wit also make him a great conversationalist.
9. Confidence
He is a dominant introvert, and he knows it. Even though he will not rub his confidence in your face, it is evident that he is sure of himself.

Source: UGC
10. Attractiveness
Such men have many character traits, such as their intelligence, independence, and confidence, that make them highly attractive to women. However, they may not even notice or care when they receive attention from ladies.
11. They are hard to get
These men keep things so close to their chest, and that is just who they are.
12. They do their own thing
These guys know that there is no point in living life according to everyone else's rules.
13. They could be the Alpha
Usually, Sigma males have all the qualities of the Alpha male, but they choose to flaunt none of it.
14. They get a lot of attention
They are naturally very mysterious, and everyone wants to know what's going on in their head.
15. They hate it when someone imposes on their lifestyle
They love their space, and they absolutely hate it when someone comes into their life to 'shake things up.'

Source: UGC
16. Have their own look
Despite not being into fashion labels, these men usually craft their own look that is unique to them.
17. They fit anywhere
They blend in and out of groups effortlessly. This should not be mistaken for fitting in.
18. Adaptability
They are flexible but don't always utilize that skill.
19. They can control a room
Their intelligence and charismatic nature make them able to control a room.
20. They are usually off the grid
Many Sigma males keep off social media.
21. Hard to reach
Due to their choice to keep off social media, it may be really difficult to get hold of them.

Source: UGC
22. Live dangerously
Sigmas are somewhat rebels, and this makes them adventure seekers.
23. Accidentally abstract
Their silent nature makes them seem mysterious, hence making them stand out.
24. Deep thinkers
They take their time to think about something carefully.
25. Intriguing and intrigued
They are the type of people who will charm you with their conversations. They don't just talk about anything. This tends to intrigue people. Similarly, they like to be intrigued by meaningful conversations.
26. They do not want to be the top dog
In all honesty, Sigmas don't even want to be part of the pack.
27. They treat people equally and are respectful
Unlike Alphas, who might seem like they don't care about anyone but themselves, Sigmas are quite the opposite. They understand that everyone matters and will treat anyone and everyone with respect.
Dating a Sigma male

Source: UGC
Not anyone can date a Sigma male. To successfully date one, you need to have these points in mind:
- These men take their love life very seriously.
- They are not into modern-day dating practices.
- They do not like mixed signals and games.
- Such men like and require a lot of personal space.
- They cannot deal with jealousy and clingy behavior.
- Such men do not tolerate docility and dullness in a woman.
- They do not play hard to get; they are hard to get. Sigmas hardly let anyone near them.
The ideal lady for a Sigma male
This is what a Sigma male looks for in a lady:
- A unique lady who won't blend into the masses.
- Someone who will intrigue and challenge him.
- A lady who knows what she wants.
- Someone who values true love.
- A person who knows how to be committed.
- Somebody who has the capacity to go through life on their own without expecting him to save her and solve her problems.
- A lady who is not obsessed with superficial needs.
- Someone who won't allow others into her love life.
A Sigma male has no time for one night stands or similar modern day dating trends. If you are a needy, self-obsessed lady, then a Sigma male is not for you.
Moreover, these men already know what they want in life, their love life included. As such, they have no time for games.
While dating such a man, you also need to know that Sigma males don't like being tied down. You need to respect his boundaries and give him space and time.
Do Sigma males fall in love?
Yes, they do. They choose social interactions and relationships from genuine interest and do not waste people's time. Vice versa, they do not appreciate people wasting their time. They are trustworthy partners who take their love life very seriously.
Famous Sigma males
Some good Sigma male examples include:
- Giacomo Casanova - This is one of the most famous Sigmas. Giacomo Girolamo Casanova was an Italian adventurer, writer and womanizer. He was born on April 2, 1725, in Venice, Italy and died on June 4, 1798.
- Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian artist, engineer, and scientist. He is best known for his paintings, notably the Mona Lisa (c. 1503–19) and the Last Supper (1495–98).

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- Steve Jobs - Steven Paul Jobs was the co-founder of Apple Computer, Inc. (1976) and a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer era. He oversaw the launch of revolutionary products as the iPod and the iPhone.
- Han Solo from Star Wars - Han Solo is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise.
- James Bond - Also a fictional character who is portrayed as an MI6 agent.
Sigma vs Alpha
What are their similarities and differences?
These two types of men share some traits. They are both self-possessed, self-sufficient, and charismatic.
Both of them can be very successful with women, and both take action to achieve their goals.
- Alpha males achieve their goals by leveraging social structures and climbing to the top of the hierarchy. Sigmas, on the other hand, do so without engaging in social politics or power games.
- Alpha males consistently work hard to maintain their social standing and require Beta males around them so they can dominate. Sigma males, on the other hand, don't care about their social presence.
- Alpha males cannot exist outside a social context. For Sigma males, their identity remains the same regardless of the presence of people.
- Alphas need to cultivate large social circles for the purpose of domination. Sigmas, on the other hand, choose social interactions and relationships from genuine interest.
The socio-sexual hierarchy by Vox Day
The socio-sexual hierarchy classifies men into the following categories:
- Alpha: The Alpha is the tall, good-looking guy who is the center of both male and female attention. At a social gathering like a party, he is usually the loud, charismatic guy telling self-flattering stories to a group of attractive women who are listening with interest.
- Beta: The good-looking guy who isn't as uniformly attractive or socially dominant as the Alpha, but is nevertheless confident, attractive to women, and does well with them.
- Delta: Deltas are the average guys. They can't attract the most attractive women, so they usually aim for second-tier women with minimal success, and stubbornly resist paying attention to all of the third-tier women who are comfortably in their league.
- Gamma: What is a gamma male? Gammas are the reflective, the unusual, the unattractive, and all too often, the bitter.
- Omega: Omegas are the truly unfortunate, the social losers who were never in the game.
- Sigma: The outsider who doesn't play the social game and manages to win at it anyhow
- Lambda: Men who have quite literally no interest in conventional male-female sexual relations.
A Sigma male is best defined as the outsider who does not play the social game but manages to win it anyhow. He is a confident, independent, and charismatic man who plays by his own rules. This makes him equal to the Alpha, much to the latter's chagrin.
Source: Legit.ng